API v4

The Pharos system includes multiple API options:

These APIs have been unified to simplify their use as much as possible.

HTTP Requests

Please note, when a HTTP POST request is sent, it must include a Content-Type header set to "application/json", otherwise it will be treated as invalid.

API Queries

Below are the ways of getting data from the controller. Closedshow


Returns data about the controller. Closedshow


Returns data about the project. ClosedShow


Returns data about the install replication. ClosedShow


Returns data about the install location. ClosedShow

Network 2

Returns data about the Network 2 (Protocol) Interface. ClosedShow


Returns data about the time stored in the controller. ClosedShow


Returns data about the timelines in the project and their state on the controller. ClosedShow


Returns data about the Scenes in the project and their state on the controller. ClosedShow


Returns data about the groups in the project. ClosedShow

NOTE: Group 0 will return data about the 'All Fixtures' group


Returns data about the controller. ClosedShow


Returns data about the controller's temperature. ClosedShow

Remote Device

Returns data about the Remote Device/s in the project. ClosedShow

Text Slots

Returns data about the text slots in the project. ClosedShow

Get Log

Returns the log from the queried controller. ClosedShow


Returns the protocols and universes being output from the queried controller. ClosedShow


Returns the levels being output from the queried controller. ClosedShow


Returns the inputs on the queried controller. ClosedShow


Returns the triggers in the project. ClosedShow

Lua Variable

Returns the current value of the specified Lua variable. ClosedShow

Trigger Variable

Returns the value of a variables from the trigger that ran the script. ClosedShow


Use to locate resources in the controller's memory. ClosedShow

Content Target

Returns information about a Content Target in the project. ClosedShow


Returns information about a controller's Configuration. ClosedShow

API Actions

Below are the ways of changing properties or changing output on the controller. Closedshow

Start Timeline

Start a timeline in the project ClosedShow

Start Scene

Start a scene in the project ClosedShow

Release Timeline

Release a timeline in the project ClosedShow

Release Scene

Release a scene in the project ClosedShow

Toggle Timeline

Toggle a timeline in the project (if it is running, stop it, and if it is not running, start it) ClosedShow

Toggle Scene

Toggle a scene in the project (if it is running, stop it, and if it is not running, start it) ClosedShow

Pause Timeline

Pause a timeline in the project ClosedShow

Resume Timeline

Resume a timeline in the project ClosedShow

Pause All

Pause all timelines in the project ClosedShow

Resume All

Resume all timelines in the project ClosedShow

Release All

Release all timelines, scenes or timelines, scenes and overrides in the project ClosedShow

Set Timeline Rate

Set the rate of a timeline in the project ClosedShow

Set Timeline Position

Set the position of a timeline in the project ClosedShow

Enqueue Trigger

Fire a trigger in the project ClosedShow

Run Script

Run a script or parse into the command line on the controller ClosedShow

Hardware Reset

Reset the controller (power reboot) ClosedShow

Master Intensity

Master the intensity of a group or content target (applied as a multiplier to output levels) ClosedShow

NOTE: Group 0 will master the intensity of the 'All Fixtures' group. This can also be used on VLC family projects to master the intensity of the entire unit.


Set the Intensity, Red, Green, Blue levels for a fixture or group. ClosedShow

NOTE: Group 0 will set the levels of the 'All Fixtures' group

Clear RGB

Remove any overrides on fixtures or groups. ClosedShow

Set Text Slot

Set the value of a text slot used in the project. ClosedShow

Set BPS Button LED

Set the effect and intensity on BPS button LEDS. ClosedShow

Set Touch Control Value

Set the value on a Touch Slider or Color Picker. ClosedShow

Set Touch Control State

Set the state on a Touch control. ClosedShow

Set Touch Control Caption

Set the caption on a Touch control. ClosedShow

Set Touch Page

Change the page on a Touch interface. ClosedShow

Disable Page

Disable the touchscreen. ClosedShow

Lock Touch Device

Lock the Touch Device (requires Lock code to be set within Interface). ClosedShow

Transition Content Target

Move or rotate a Content Target. ClosedShow

Transition Adjustment Target

Move or rotate a Adjustment Target. ClosedShow

Beacon Controller

Beacons the controller (flashes Status LEDs or screen). ClosedShow

Output to Log

Writes a message to the controller's Log. ClosedShow

Send variables to Web Interface

Sends data to the web interface in a JSON Object. ClosedShow

Park a Channel

Parks an output channel at a specified level. ClosedShow

Unpark a Channel

Unparks an output channel. ClosedShow

Disable an Output

Unparks an output channel. ClosedShow

Set Timeline Source Bus

Set the time source for a timeline. ClosedShow

Enable Timecode Bus

Enables or disables a timecode bus. ClosedShow

Set Digital Output

Sets the output of a RIO to on or off. ClosedShow

Set Log Level

Sets the output of a RIO to on or off. ClosedShow

Edit Config

Sets the output of a RIO to on or off. ClosedShow

API Subscriptions

Subscriptions allow data to be pushed to the web interface whenever there is a change within the project. Closedshow

Subscribe Timeline Status

Subscribes to changes in the timeline status (any change is pushed to the interface). ClosedShow

Subscribe Scene Status

Subscribes to changes in the scene status (any change is pushed to the interface). ClosedShow

Subscribe Group Status

Subscribes to changes in group level, as set by the Master Intensity action (any change is pushed to the interface). ClosedShow

Subscribe Remote Device Status

Subscribes to changes in Remote Device Online/Offline Status (any change is pushed to the interface). ClosedShow

Subscribe Beacon

Subscribes to Beacons (any change is pushed to the interface). ClosedShow

Subscribe Lua

The receiver for the push_to_web() Lua function. ClosedShow

API Objects

Below are the helper functions and objects in the project. Closedshow


A Lua object that allows a type and range to be associated with a variable. ClosedShow


A Lua object containing time data. ClosedShow

Printing an enum

Lua functions to convert integers returned from some functions as text. ClosedShow